Over the past few years, I’ve come in contact with five men named David, all closely connected to Israel, and all of whom have impacted me in profound ways. For now, I’ll tell you about three of those Davids in this story about the Land of Zion!
Why is Israel sometimes called “The Land of Zion”?
Simply put, because of the Bible! Most often, when you see the word Zion in your Bibles, the city of Jerusalem is being referenced, but at times the entire Land and even the People of Israel are called by this name.
The word Zion is used a total of 154 times in both the Hebrew Scriptures and the New Testament! Its first mention is found in the Historical Book of 2 Samuel and brings us to our first David: the Psalmist, King David of Israel.
“David captured the stronghold of Zion, that is the city of David.”
2 Sam 5:7
Descending to Hezekiah’s Tunnel near King David’s access point used to capture Zion 3,000 years ago!
The name Zion is found 39 times in the Psalms, often written with the pen of King David, describing the place where the LORD dwells (9:11), the place from where salvation comes (53:6), a city God will save (69:35), a mountain He loves (78:68), and something the LORD has built up and will have compassion on (102:13,16).
I knew after my first visit to Israel that I had to go back. Not just for a sight-seeing trip, but with purpose. What purpose, I wasn’t sure, but Zion had crept its way into my blood. In part because of another David we met while first there.
Filmmaker and friend: David Kiern
David Kiern overlooking what may be “the Millo” (2 Sam 5:9) in the ancient City of David, just south of the Temple Mount.
Sarah and I first visited Israel in 2016 to capture video for an upcoming Concert Tour. One of the cameramen was named David Kiern. He sat behind us in the van as we traveled the country, learning about Biblical locations and events that had taken place in more recent history. Each time our highly qualified Tour Guide would finish a story, David would lean forward toward Sarah and I, show us his Bible, and say something like, “Now, what he didn’t mention about those vineyards we just saw, is that the book of Jeremiah talks about them…”
“Again you (Israel) will plant vineyards on the hills of Samaria. The planters will plant and will enjoy them.”
Jeremiah 31:5
A vineyard in Biblical Samaria. - Photo: David Kiern
Time and time again, David revealed how God’s promises to Israel were being realized and fulfilled in our time! How a Land that had been resistant to growth for thousands of years was suddenly sprouting to life in just the last few decades!
One evening, David gave me a scrap of paper with a list of Bible references scribbled down. I found each of them unmarked in my Bible and made sure I could find them again. They were just a sampling of what I learned was the most repeated promise in the Bible: that God would scatter His people among the nations, but one day He would bring them back home again to the Land He promised them as an eternal inheritance!
How had I missed that?! Somewhere in my mind I knew this information, but suddenly the truth and weight of such a promise was undeniably clear and unavoidable to my heart. I read my Bible again in 2017 with this truth in mind.
As a songwriter, I began to craft a song that would tell the story of this covenant promise from God’s perspective to His people. To avoid heresy, I made sure to quote the words of our Father as much as possible, and on March 22nd of 2018, I finished the song and named it Zion. God led me down a path I would have never imagined walking. A path that led me to our third David.
Captain Burger, where I met David #3. - photo: Aaron Shust
Five months after releasing Zion, I was in Jerusalem to sing with my friend Joshua Aaron at the Tower of David, where I would perform the song under the very stars Abraham was unable to count.
I’d previously had the incredible Captain cheeseburger and was excited to share the experience with some new friends. As I carried my tray outside to the bright red picnic bench, a tall, young man politely stopped me.
“Excuse me, are you Aaron Shust?”, he asked in an Eastern European accent.
At little shell-shocked, I confirmed I was.
“You wrote the song Zion.” It was more of a statement than a question. I told him I had.
“My name is David. I’m from Poland. As soon as I heard that song, I knew I had to make Aliyah. I knew I had to come home!”
I nearly dropped my burger. “That’s incredible! When?!” I asked, short for words.
“Right now! I just landed yesterday!”
A beautiful rainbow at the Jaffa Gate and the beginning of the Via Dolorosa. - photo: Sarah Shust
I believe our third David is a fulfillment of prophecy. He was actively doing what God had promised would happen since the days of Moses:
The LORD your God…will gather you again from all the peoples where the LORD your God has scattered you…and…will bring you into the land that your fathers possessed, that you may possess it.”
Deut 30:3-5
I may not understand all that God has in store for this People He chose. And like the ancient nation of Israel I read about in the Scriptures, I don’t endorse every decision the modern nation of Israel makes. But, I will pray for the peace of Jerusalem like Psalm 122:6 commands. I will bless and not curse Israel since God promised He would respond to me in kind. (Gen 12:3). And I will cling to the hope that God never goes back on His promises (Num 23:19).
“May the LORD bless you from Zion, He who made heaven and earth.”
Sunrise over Galilee - photo: David Kiern