The whole city gathered at the door that evening, not long after sundown, three stars visible in the night sky indicating the Sabbath was over. Simon answered when he heard the persistent knock, and was met by a look of desperation on a young woman’s face.
“Can I help you?” Simon asked.
Her reply was clear as she spoke for the crowd, “We want to see Yeshua.”
It was only yesterday, as Shabbat was just beginning, that Simon and his brother Andrew welcomed their new Rabbi to stay as a guest in their home. Simon’s wife and mother-in-law also lived with them, but they had more than enough room for Yeshua! Having never been called to follow a Rabbi, Simon was thrilled to walk in the footsteps of such a respected teacher, and at the beginning of his ministry!
The next morning, Simon’s wife stayed home with her mother, who wasn’t feeling well, and the three men went to the Synagogue for the weekly reading of the Torah scrolls. Yeshua was invited to teach, a honor often given to a visiting rabbi. The air seemed to shift as He spoke! He wasn’t like the usual teachers of the law who spoke with the authority of others, attributing their thoughts to the writings of “this or that teacher”. Yeshua spoke as one had authority of His own, and all those listening were amazed at His words.
Suddenly, a man’s voice shrieked and not a few women jumped in startled fear. A restless man, who had appeared agitated since Yeshua began to speak, could apparently take it no more.
“What do you want with us, Yeshua of Nazareth?” He spat. “Have you come to destroy us? I know who You Are — the Holy One of God!”
“Be quiet!” Yeshua said sternly. “Come out of him!”
The man shook violently, then suddenly, with one final shriek, his shaking ceased. He relaxed, exhaled, lifted his gaze to Yeshua, and became as tranquil as a glassy sea.
The murmuring began to increase throughout the Synagogue, “What is this? He even gives orders to impure spirits and they obey Him!”
As the people dispersed back to their homes to complete the Day of Rest, news of this miracle spread quickly!
Yeshua and His two disciples walked straight home, only a short distance away. They arrived to find Simon’s mother-in-law bedridden and suffering from a debilitating fever. Yeshua knelt by her bed, took her by the hand, and without even saying a word, helped her stand. The fever left her immediately and one would think she had never been ill in the first place!
Two miracles occurring in almost as many minutes! This “rabbi” not only taught as one with authority, and had unquestionable authority over powers in the spirit world, but he apparently held authority over the physical world as well! Sickness disappeared with only the touch of His hand! Such complete authority had never been heard of, not even among the prophets!
The remaining hours of Shabbat were pleasant as they laughed together and shared stories over sweet breads, dried fruits, and good wine from Samaria. Only after the lights of Shabbat were symbolically extinguished, and the blessings were spoken that mark the separation between the holy and the common, was there a knock at the door…
“We want to see Yeshua,” spoke the young woman, with determination and hope in her eyes.
Before Simon could respond, his Rabbi appeared behind him, looking out to see the gathering crowd. A subtle smile appeared on His face and he proceeded into the cool of evening’s fading light.
Late into the night, Yeshua healed one after another of Capernaum’s sick, blind, deaf, leprous and lame. Glory to God was given as the people erupted in praise, singing and dancing under the stars, as one of their own after another was released from the shackles of death and disease!
Eventually, the last person was restored, Yeshua bid the crowd goodnight, blessed them, and retired inside to find a place to sleep.
But, His sleep would be brief…
Long before any rooster saw the faint glow of orange above the eastern hills, Yeshua rose, and walked down the quiet, cobblestone streets of Capernaum, climbing north away from the water to find a place with no distractions but creation itself. He sat down on the green slopes, overlooking Galilee’s still waters. The birds below began to sing, and the sky began to show signs of God’s daily faithfulness.
Yeshua watched Capernaum in the distance below, flames beginning to glisten in the windows, and He spoke to His Father…
The locations of Capernaum’s Synagogue and Simon’s home have been preserved to this day. To walk into town with our Bible’s open to Mark 1 and follow along in the footsteps of Jesus was an experience like I’ll never forget. It’s even the inspiration for my song Authority (releasing Spring 2025). Consider joining me on a Land of Zion trip to visit the town Jesus called home!
Sarah by the original floors of Simon’s home
My son Nick pointing out a Star of David from the synagogue.
1st century floor visible under 4th C synagogue
The welcome sign at the front of town
This story can be found in Mark 1:21-35